Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Destructive Landslides

Did you know that landslides are rock and debris tumbling down a slope?

How it happens?
Landslides are triggered by
  • Earthquakes
  • Volcanoes erupting
  • A long period of rain
  • Tsunami
  • Storm

How can a storm trigger a landslide?
The strength of a storm will knock over trees and
that will cause an earthflow landslide, thats why
a storm can trigger a landslide.

What is an earthflow landslide?
An earthflow landslide is a herd of grass, mud
and trees tumbling down a slope or a mountain.
As it makes it way down the slope it will knock
out more of the plant life causing an even bigger

Types of landslides:
Here is four types of landslides
  • Earthflow
  • Volcanic landslide
  • Rockslide
  • Submarine landslides

What is the difference between a volcanic landslide
and a submarine landslide?
The difference between a volcanic landslide and a
submarine landslide is, that a volcanic landslide
roars out lava, and a submarine landslide is just a
huge wave rushing through underwater. Its strength
is as powerful as a very, very strong rip.

What is the māori connection to a landslide?
  • Pāpātuāanuku-god of the earth
  • Pākāru-damage
  • Whenuā-land
  • Horowhenuā- landslide

  • Almost every landslide has serious
  • causes
  • Debris flows can get speeds upto 200
  • miles per hour
  • Tsunamis can be triggered by submarine
  • landslides
  • Human activities can cause landslides

A landslide is when rock and debris tumble down
a slope or mountain. Be cautious of landslides
around you, you never know when there gonna


By Samara


  1. great use of your notes. maybe add some more bibliography. amazing hook

  2. I like that you used notes and heading. You need to find more sources


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