Destructive Landslides
Did you know that landslides are rock and debris tumbling down a slope?
How it happens?
Landslides are triggered by
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes erupting
- A long period of rain
- Tsunami
- Storm
How can a storm trigger a landslide?
The strength of a storm will knock over trees and
that will cause an earthflow landslide, thats why
a storm can trigger a landslide.
What is an earthflow landslide?
An earthflow landslide is a herd of grass, mud
and trees tumbling down a slope or a mountain.
As it makes it way down the slope it will knock
out more of the plant life causing an even bigger
Types of landslides:
Here is four types of landslides
- Earthflow
- Volcanic landslide
- Rockslide
- Submarine landslides
What is the difference between a volcanic landslide
and a submarine landslide?
The difference between a volcanic landslide and a
submarine landslide is, that a volcanic landslide
roars out lava, and a submarine landslide is just a
huge wave rushing through underwater. Its strength
is as powerful as a very, very strong rip.
What is the māori connection to a landslide?
- Pāpātuāanuku-god of the earth
- Pākāru-damage
- Whenuā-land
- Horowhenuā- landslide
- Almost every landslide has serious
- causes
- Debris flows can get speeds upto 200
- miles per hour
- Tsunamis can be triggered by submarine
- landslides
- Human activities can cause landslides
A landslide is when rock and debris tumble down
a slope or mountain. Be cautious of landslides
around you, you never know when there gonna
By Samara