Thursday, April 4, 2019


This piece of writing is about avoiding something. In this piece of writing you will find descriptive language, litterations and similies. Remember to comment and leave, feed forward and feed back. Please enjoy!!

Bridge Jumping

“Am I going to jump, not likely”.“Shall I jump, I dont know?” I continously said to mayself in a terrified voice. A gust of wind flew by, blowing my luciouse golden hair into my dark pale face. My rosey red checks glowed in the shinning shimmery sun.

As I watched others jump off, I caught eye of the bubbly frof popping up, like a clear cerulean ball bouncing monotonusly up and down. “Uhhh!! Im sweating in this boiling hot heat. Holding firmly onto the shimmering silver bar, I couldn’t help but notice a familiuar voice, “echoing my girl, “I then realised who it was, it was my amazing and astonishing Dad”. He gave a wonderfull speech about confidance, that pushed me out of my zone that I felt comftable in”. “Am I going to jump, and get over my fear...

“Yes I slowly let go to the shinning silver bar that kept me from falling, and jumped with a loud, irratating scream that lasted two seconds. Below the bridge you have a vision of clear as a crystal water, “now that is something you dont see everyday. “After my first jump I wasn’t thinking at all anymore, I was just jumping with a happy and positive scream not a scared one.”See look Im a big girl, and that was so easy Im not afraid anymore”.